as you know (if you read the last blog post), my daily visit count has gone up to for me, a big amount, 300 visits, and yesterday it was even 600, and as of writing we have reached 4,340 visits, but im not sure if its botted or not.

as of version 2.1 i have created a robots.txt that disallows all bots from accessing my website, why? well some companies like bytedance have some very agressive web crawlers, my website stats say that the hits (every time the servers send a file) and the visits (count of unique IP addresses requesting pages from a web site per hour) are the same, although index.html consists of about 7 files and the rest about 3.

i’m not sure if web crawlers get the dependencies of a web page (probably not) but that seems odd, i also doubt that anyone would be visiting this obscure website.

results of the robots.txt file will be out in 2 days (2024-04-21).