hi, this is my first actual post on the blog and its pretty nice, i’ve gotten all of the bugs and minor issues fixed

although it is kind of depressing that im putting this much work in a website that i doubt will get many visitors because you cant just expect to be the most visited website on the internet with this little of social engagement

but, back on topic about the jekyll thing i’ve been using jekyll outside of github pages for this website and its pretty nice, simple and it just works

this blog would of have been a pain to do because i would have to write bare HTML for every blog post, copy the HTML and manually edit it when i want to make a new post and update the banner on the index page (the latest blog post thing) but with jekyll its much easier and made most of my headaches on this website easier to manage

if i wanted to update the version number on the footer i would have to edit every single page and kind of even worse if i updated more of the footer but with jekyll, i can put the footer into one file and make every page get the footer from that file, i’m oversimplifying it a bit but its how it works

and there are some cool plugins for jekyll like jekyll-feed and jekyll-seo-tag which currently are the only two i am using, but i dont need more because my website is already “complete”

in other news, (this is completely unrelated and boring) murder drones episode 7 is supposed to come out tommorow so thats cool i guess